English in university... well, to be honest, this is the very first english class I have in university. When I did the english test after I got accepted in my career, I got English III so here I am. Sure, I'd have enjoyed it more if I'd had the opportunity of ACTUALLY being in a classroom, speaking english directly with the professor, and if i wouldn't had as many problem as I had when I had to connect to virtual classes. But, despite of that, it was interesting, I really learned and solve a few questions I had in classes and I really, really like to write in english, so blogging helped me. My english isn't perfect, at the contrary, I think i have a lot of vocabulary problem and my gramatic sucks, but I defend myself. I learned english on my own, I entered the internet very young and my father works in ships, so he has to travel a lot with other people and had to learn to speak english, and he help me to start learning too. I learned thank to music and movies, but, I ...