I've admired a lot of women in my life since a young age. I was lucky that my mum was not a feminist itself but had a really anti patriarchal ideology when she raised me, so she was aware I would learn about a lot of strong independent and revolutionary women while I was growing up. So, when I read the blog topic of this week, I immediately knew I was going to write about one of them. I thought about musicians I really love like Mon Laferte or Lee Hi or Mitski, only to tell them about how much I love their music and how it help me to go through really rough times of my life. I thought about actresses I admire like Jennifer Lawrence, Lupita Nyong'o or Anya Taylor-joy (the love of my life, oh my god, I would really LOVE to met her, sure it would be the best moment of my life, but whatever) and say to them about how much talent they have and how much I appreciate their hard work in every interpretation, because they have to go through such awful things in that industry.
But at the end, I decided that the women (alive) I would really-really like to have the opportunity to meet, would be Angela Davis, the black political activist and philosopher, who I admire deeply. I think she is such a powerful symbol for revolutionary people in su many aspects, and that her experiences along side with her views of the world give such a rich and accurate analysis about how capitalism, racism and patriarchy work as one, strengthening and deepening each other. She is smart and strong, since I was very young my mother told about racism and the fight that black people had to struggle around the world, and how the actually keep struggle, and she told about here. I remember a very famous interview about her when I had thirteen and I was wondering why I was so angry with the world, one I'll leave below
She was born in Alabama in 1944, and had the privilege of studying in Europe, and all that knowledge she used it back in the United States as a way to help her people. She immediately started to activate politically and to became involved in numerous causes, all of that meanwhile she was also teaching in different universities during his lifetime until today. She was in prison because she was charged with being accomplice of murder and was also fired of her jobs in numerous ocassion due to her militance in the communist party or because of her believes, and she never backed up in any situation. Being honest, If someday I meet her I don't even know what I would say to her, I would just sit in front of her and say "please talk about anything you want" and just listen to her, listen what she has to said even if I've read it before in her books or in videos or interpretations. I'm just in love with her mind, with the way she thinks.
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